Winter Care Routine

Winter is here in its full and bold colors. It’s a time to replenish and relax as the darker months cloud the skies. A winter care routine moisturizes from the inside out to create a routine that flows to the rhythm of your body. Try these four winter care routine tips as we near the middle of winter.

Give yourself a massage

Yes, it’s possible! Treat yourself to a massage this winter. Lymphatic massages are designed to target the natural draining of the lymphs. The lymph nodes are small nodes found throughout the body. They provide drainage of waste throughout the body. Keeping lymph nodes properly drained and free of toxins supports are healthy immune system and drainage in your system. There are a variety of oils that would increase lymphatic flow. Dr. Doulliard’s lymphatic massage oil is an affordable option that also tailors to rejuvenation of the lymph nodes. It can be applied directly, using a circular motion to increase flow. Or, during a bath, massage the oil into the lymphatic areas while soaking. Ensure a moderate pressure is placed above the pelvic area or under the armpits.

Care for your feet

You walk on them everyday and can neglect them at night. Moisturize for the entire night with a combination of shea butter lotion and socks. For a warm foot bath, combine epsom salt and 5-10 drops of tea tree oil into a pedicure bath or tub. Soak for 20-25 minutes. Repeat every few days to ensure proper cleansing and release of toxins. Throughout the duration of the soak, massage between the big toe and second toe in small, regular circles to increase blood flow and drainage. Remember, your feet work hard during the day. Reward their hard work!

Mix together a face mask

The wonderful part of all natural is there are few items that cannot be mixed to create a cleansing face mask. Using garbanzo bean flour as a base, combine yogurt and aloe vera together in a bowl. Using garbanzo bean flour, mix together with water, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of salt. Mix together to create a paste. Apply to the skin for 10-15 minutes and wash thoroughly with warm water. Use the same garbanzo bean flour mixture 3-4 times a week for 2 weeks.

Practice a new breathing technique

Pranayama is a method of breathing that lends itself to 4 questions:

  • What does your breathing feel like?
  • What does your breathing sound like?
  • Does your chest compress as you breathe in?
  • How does it feel when you release a breath?

When the seasons change, it’s important to pay attention to your body. It will change with the seasons and reflect the drier air outdoors. Take care. Learning a breathing technique increases oxygen flow to the brain and cleanses the body from the brain and throughout.

Kapalabhati consists of alternating short and explosive exhales. To practice, breathe and inhale for 3 seconds. As you exhale, release the contracted inner core with a heavy and explosive exhale. Repeat these steps and breaths several times. Practice breathing throughout the work day, taking frequent 15 minute breaks.

Establish a winter care routine that lasts until the start of spring. Care, rejuvenate and warm.

Natural Anti-Aging Ingredients

Age gracefully. In the natural skin-care industry, many theories arise behind what methods decrease the aging process. Non-traditional methods have increased their presence in mainstream methods. Many require trying, altering and experimentation to find the right combination.

According to Ayurveda practices, Vayasthapana is an anti-aging theory and herbal formula. There are many non-traditional approaches to anti-aging. Vayasthapana translates to “maintaining youthfulness”. It’s a combination of several herbs. One in particular, Gotu Kola, is said to have a long-term effect on the aging process. It’s said to enhance collagen synthesis. More collagen means the lesser appearance of wrinkles. This herb can be taken in a supplement form or steeped in warm water.

Locate Twachya herbs:

Twachya herbs Support skin moisture. Gotu Kola, Silk Cotton Tree, Costus, and Rose comprise this herbal combination. As a whole, these herbs can be found as a supplement or specialty made by an acupuncturist or herbalist. Grapefruit is a natural fruit packed with Vitamin A, C and E. Consider taking these supplements with a glass of grapefruit (unsweetened).

Increase herbs in the ginger family:

Ginger is potent but holds very powerful anti-aging remedies. The herbs of the ginger family are rich in anti-oxidative ingredients. Ginger helps increase blood flow, which can naturally reduce the signs of aging. On a cellular level, ginger is said to reduce inflammation. On a topical level, ginger can increase mood and stabilize energy when taken on a regular basis. Ginger comes in many forms. Try as an herbal tea or supplement. Follow the instructions as provided for any herbal supplement.

Increase Turmeric rhizomes intake:

Turmeric. Turmeric is the magic word these days. It’s mustard color is vibrant and standards out among traditional Indian spices. Turmeric rhizomes  come in the form of curcumin, curcuminoids and tetrahydrocurcuminoids possess. Each hold anti-inflammatory properties. The taste is bitter and potent. Oxidative damage is said to be a prime component in the aging process. Increasing turmeric intake reacts with what are known as ‘free radical’ compounds.

Add Ashwaganda:

Ashwaganda has its roots in non-traditional Indian medicine. It’s in the same family as the tomato, although it tastes vastly different.  It comes in many forms. It’s most commonly taken in a capsule. Ashwaganda can be found in a sticky paste and added to teas and other warm drinks. It’s known to increase thyroid levels and serve as a restorative herb to slow the aging process. Increasing thyroid levels can decrease the aging process. It provides the added benefit of preventing sluggishness, which can lead to increased moods and energy. As a routine, it can be ingested in powder form in a glass of warm milk before bed.

Warm water sips:

Sandalwood (Santalum Album) – Essential Oil At It’s Finest

Sandalwood is most distinguishable by its woody smell and pressed carvings. It comes from a tree grown in southern Asia. It’s unique in smell and texture making it distinguishable both in a visual and smell. Sandalwood has its roots in India; it’s considered holy. It is bestowed upon women during and after marriage and a sacred gesture during passing. Sandalwood paste is used to decorate Indian deities. It is so delicate that it requires permission to cut and harvest.

Sandalwood takes 40-80 years before its harvested, showing the sanctity of the precious plant. Growing up to 33 inches, sandalwood harvests the roots and nutrients of other plants.  Its scented carvings can be altered into many forms like oil providing many benefits and uses.

Sandalwood’s most important organic compounds are the alpha-santalol and beta-santalol. The beta gives sandalwood the very distinct and powerful fragrance. The alpha gives a therapeutic quality.


  • Sandalwood should not be ingested directly unless properly prepared, infused or distilled but it does hold benefits in its natural state.
  • Sandalwood is said to increase mental clarity, increase memory, decrease blood pressure and serve as an antiseptic. It is potent. In oil form (diluted with a few drops of water), it can be used to decrease inflammation after a wound.
  • Sandalwood is well regarded in the skincare industry as a mechanism to reduce inflammation with rashes, decrease the effects of eczema, and reduce acne.
  • Its anti-inflammatory properties help assist both physical and mental ailments. This includes inflammation in the brain, digestive, nervous, circulatory, and excretory systems that result. These can result from fevers, insect bites or wounds.


  • Relax: add a few drops of sandalwood oil into a humidifier for added relaxation at bedtime. Add 4 or 5 drops of sandalwood into the vent of your car during rush hour.
  • Increase focus: smell sandalwood on a perfume roller a few times a day (particularly when your mind is feeling foggy). Smell the scent directly out of the bottle but ensure its held at least an inch from your nose.
  • Use for your body: to ingest, sandalwood must be prepared properly. Add one teaspoon of heaped sandalwood with 1 cup of water. Slowly boil for several minutes, ensuring the pot is covered. After, drain the herb and drink 1 or 2 cups of day of this mixture to clear skin from the inside out. Drops of sandalwood can be added to unscented lotion for the extra boost in woody scent.
  • Make a face mask: combine face clay, water and one to two drops of sandalwood. Mix together and use as a face hydration mask. Leave the mask on for 5-10 minutes before cleansing with warm water.
  • Create a room mist. In a 50ml mist bottle filled with water add 25 drops of oil
  • Use as a calm sense during meditation: 5 drops of sandalwood and 4 drops of rose water into a humidifier and smell during meditation.

Sandalwood is sacred in nature and when used correctly can provide benefits both physically and mentally.


Skin Care

Why Good Skincare is Important

Good skincare can be simple, daily and routine. It paves the way for healthy and graceful aging. Skin has three layers: The epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. The outermost layer of skin is what creates our skin tone. It acts as a shield to protect skin against water and other harmful chemicals that we come in constant in every day. The dermis contains connective tissues, hair follicles and sweat glands. The deepest layer of skin is the hypodermis. It consists mainly of fat and connective tissue.

As the skin’s largest organ, skin serves a variety of tasks. It interacts with the environment and protects your body through insulation. Skin that is well protected and nourished can prevent harsh UV rays and pollution. Skin spots are more likely to deteriorate if precautions are taken early. Other sun damage can be prevented with a regiment of sunscreen and moisturizer.

Skin constantly grows and changes. Skin sheds and naturally cleanses on its own. Drinking plenty of water hydrates skin. Using hot water to clean skin can be dangerous to the health of your skin. Use unscented soaps made without harsh chemicals. The simpler, the better. The less ingredients, the safer. Good skincare reflects the inner health of the individual. It is important to keep a skincare routine that is maintained on a daily basis so skin can move through its natural course.

Wash your face daily, but do not over wash when you feel oily or greasy. Beauty bars are “superfatted”. They contain olive oil or lanolin, which help soften skin. Harsh over-the-counter soaps can be chock full of chemicals. Find a simple bar that suits your skin type and read the ingredients. Five ingredients or less is a rule of thumb for proper face wash. Ingredients such as coconut oil, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, sea salt, avocado and lemon essential oil are safe options when searching for a face wash. Jojoba oil is a natural make-up remover. Add a drop of water to a drop of jojoba oil before cleansing. Or, use just water in in lukewarm temperatures and spread a thin layer of coconut oil on your skin before bed. Dab tea tree oil on trouble spots but be sure to dilute tea tree oil as it can be a powerful essential oil.

Moisturize – but don’t over moisturize. As we subject ourselves to the outside air and daily activities, our skin dries out. Find a moisturizer that suits your skin type. Using moisturize with no perfume or scent is less likely to cause skin reactions.

Repair, repair, repair. Notice your skin – its fluctuations, levels of moisture and levels of dryness. As you notice changes, make the appropriate changes. Prevention begins with conscious awareness of your bodies changes. In your late 20s, harsh acne routines and products are more damaging than repairing.

Keeping skin healthy now leads to other healthy habits. Increasing daily intake of water will lead to healthier insides and healthier outsides. It’s simple because simple is more.